Monday, April 23, 2012

Podcast: The Witcher 2 in 90 Seconds

Hey everyone, take a listen to my first attempt at a podcast, a super short review of The Witcher 2. It's short but sweet, and I hope you enjoy it! And, as usual, if you have any feedback....leave it below.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Great Article on Superman

I can't lie, I am an unabashed fan of Superman. I have loved Big Blue since the days when I would run through the house with my Superman PJs on and try to fly by leaping from the living room doorway towards the couch (which I was mostly unsuccessful at much to my grandmother's chagrin).

Some people thinks he's boring because he's all powerful, has no weaknesses, or too goody-goody. I think those folks are missing the's not his powers or lack of weaknesses that can make him such an appealing character. It's that despite what goes on in the world around him, his convictions and morals are unwaviering. No matter what circumstances, he is the good guy. He always has been and always has be. His biggest weakness is his heart and the fact that he is the ultimate good guy.

This leads me to this post on

I think Mike Romo sums up a lot of the issues with current crop of Superman books quite well and I think it is a very good read that should be checked out.

Friday, April 6, 2012

PAX East 2011....even though it's 2012

In the immortal words of Dante Hicks (go watch Clerks if you don't get it!!!), "I'm not even supposed to be here today."

I should actually be at the PAX East convention in Boston, MA this weekend, but alas here I am in Kansas enjoying the suprisingly nice weather. I won't go into why I am not's all due to circumsances that were out of my control. Damned cirucmstances.

Luckily, I was able to go last year, so in honor of that faithful and fun trip, I have decided to post a slideshow of a few pictures of my trip from last year to give everyone an idea of what a videogame/tabletop gaming convention is about. Plus, there are few pictures of Boston in there as well. I had never been there before, and it was an amazing city to trek through. If any of you get the chance to go there, make sure to do walk the Freedom Trail. It is an awesome experience getting to see some of the sites that helped to give birth to the US.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Importance of Iconography or Where Are Superman’s Red Underwear

So, as I have mentioned before, DC re-launched all of their comics last summer and brought about some changes. Titles were dropped, some backstories got retconned, some B-listers got their own books, and some costumes got a redesign. All in all, it was a success as it got new readers into shops and got long time readers interested titles they may have gave up on before.

Which is great…anything to grow the industry means more readers; more readers means
more competition; more competition means better books for all. What really got me, though, is where the hell did Superman’s underwear go.

I know they aren’t really underwear, but traditional Kryptonian wear. Not everyone is nerdy enough to know that so for arguments sake I will just go with the age old underwear
argument to simplify things.

Honestly, this post isn’t really influenced by Big Blue’s new costume. I have already had ample time to digest the fact that the classic costume is gone. Finally, the most powerful being in the DC
Universe (according to me anyways), has mastered the fine art of dressing himself. I can deal with that; I am not too fond of the new suit, but hey it’s still Superman so all is well (though
his upcoming Earth 2 costume is pretty bad ass and should have been his new costume for the main books).

What I am writing about is the changes made to the iconic S logo for next summer’s Superman movie, The Man of Steel. While I don’t mind the redesign of the logo very much either (how hard is it really to muck up an S in a diamond), how much artistic license can an artist take with a character that has been around for 74 years? Do you really need to tweak something that has been around for so long just to make it more modern or edgy? One of Superman’s main traits is that he isn’t edgy; his lack of edginess is a quintessential part of the character.

More importantly, how many people are going to see that new logo and immediately view it as Supe’s new logo and not replace it their mind with the traditional logo. I mean the differences aren’t really that jarring, but how much of an affect will it have on viewers. I know that when I look at it, I know it’s still the “S”, but somewhere in the back of my mind I wonder why in the hell would someone decide to change a logo that has become a huge pop-culture icon over
the years.

On totally related or unrelated side note, they also tweaked Spider-Man’s costume for the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man flick, and I think it is sweet. The designers of that costume took another very traditional and iconic character and made it more modern while still keeping all of the elements that make suit uniquely identifiable as Spider-Man. Kudos to them!

Oh and just to cover my ass, the picture of the Superman logo is property of Warner Bros.