Friday, February 24, 2012

Post 2, On being a Fanboy...

So, I’m a fanboy…I admit it.

In recent times, that term draws the ire of people who are fans of a certain company and its products and forsake all others, but I can come to grips with it…I am a sucker for DC Comics. Every Wednesday when I go to the comic shop, my entire pull list is DC Comic titles…Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern….thoseare the books I read; the heroes I love. Even when I peruse the shelves for something that catches my eye, I make a beeline to the DC shelves, completely forsaking any other publisher, and possibly robbing myself of other worlds to explore and invest myself in.

The odd thing is that it has always been that way for me, choosing one publisher over the other. When I was younger, it was all Marvel for me. Other than Superman and Batman, all I wanted was Marvel books. I was such a huge fan of Spider-Man that I got him emblazoned on my leg for the rest of my life.

I don’t know why I do this. Is it some necessity to feel like I am part of some special clique that only delves into the titles of one universe? Is the quality of the books that different from publisher to publisher? I don’t know why I do it; it’s just some strange compulsion. But recently, I managed to overcome it.

I picked up The Amazing Spider-Man 679 and 679.1 and it was great. It was like going back to a long lost friend (and it totally justifies my tattoo). I went back to a world that was a staple of my childhood, and I realized that there is space in my pull list for tales from another world.

Maybe this is the beginning of a trend for me. Maybe my pull list will begin to meld
tales of Superman and Batman with stories of Daredevil and Spider-Man. I mean really, the only drawback of getting titles from another publisher is my wallet will be a little lighter on Wednesdays.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    I think it would be interesting if you shared a little more in-depth about the origins of your love for all things comics. I liked how you mentioned that when you were younger you were all about Marvel, and how things have changed.
